The Kings Daughter

The Kings Daughter

Wednesday 16 November 2016

What Does God Say About Fashion And Modesty

"I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God."(Romans 12:1-2 kjv)

What the word is saying is that we need to present ourselves as living sacrifices, which does have alot to do with the way we act, and how our hearts are, but it also has to do with the way we look. I am sure most of you know that wearing a teeny tiny mini dress is not sending others the presentation of purity. No matter what women say, fashion, if it is very showy, girls are not dressing to impress others girls but are in fact dressing up for boys. I can tell you that truly, because I used to do that, oh I have worn some questionable outfits growing up, and I knew I was dressing to attract a boy, I thought if I could get a boyfriend, I could be popular, and if I dressed in a less modest way, boys would ask me out. So the saying about how "girls don't dress for boys, girls dress for themselves and for other girls" which is said by Betsy Johnson(by the way I do love her unique style) is not nessesarily always true. Think about it, if you were to go on a date with someone you would be dressing to impress the guy you are going out with, not to impress other girls with the fabulousness of your outfit. So yes, dressing can be for yourself, but it is mainly to emphasize your own ideals and your own thinking. Fashion is your personality brought to life, through garments so that people can tell just what kind of person you are simply by looking at your choice of style. If you were to go for an interview, within the first 7 seconds of meeting them they have already decided wether they want to hire you. To the world, looks are very important, but to Christians, looks should be even more important, because we hold a standard of morality and righteousness that should be shown through the way we dress. Christians shouldn't be careless about there looks because it shows laziness and carelessness, they should not be inappropriately dressed because it shows a level of immodesty, insinuating that you have a bit of licenciousness about you, that now because you are a Christian, you can do what you want, act how you want, and look the way you want, God forbid, the reason for becoming Saved, is not so that you can sin freely, but so that you can be saved from the harms of immorality. So as Christians, we must, as our obligation, hold ourselves to a higher level of purity through the way we look. Now of course, looks aren't everything, but they are very important, focus on your heart, and living a Christ-like life, but while you do that, focus on how you are presenting yourself to others, You may be the only true Christian they see, show them the truth of the way you live, show them a Christ-like person, even though you are not perfect, show them you are earnestly following Christ with all of your heart, and maybe, they will want to as well.

As always I love you and Jesus loves you, so have a happy heart❤️
For any questions about Christianity, love, and life, please email me at

Friday 4 November 2016

Parallels To Christ's Sacrifice In The Old Testament

It has honestly taken me years to realize this amazing detail in the Bible that only few have actually realized, this in a nut shell is how Jesus' life, death, and crusifixtion paralells in many stories of the Old Testament. This is not something one can plan, which makes the Word of God even more powerful than anything else in the world. All written word is simply fossilized human thought (I did not make that one up a pastor did) but the Word of God is living and eternal.


The entire life of Moses is the most direct parallel to Christ's life. First, there is a prophecy of the birth of one who will free all Hebrews from the slavery of Egypt only through the Almighty power of the Most High God, he fulfils the prophecy, and the people are free from the suffering and pain of Egypt. Can you see it? Jesus, God in the flesh came to free all people from there pain and suffering of there own sin nature, there was profecies of His coming and He fulfilled them all.

Abraham and Isaac

I am sure you have heard if this, Abraham was waiting many years to have a son, he almost lost hope but he was promised his wife would bare a son, and at 90 years of age she had a baby boy, Isaac. When Isaac was a young boy, Elohim told Abraham to sacrifice his son to him, devastated, Abraham obeyed The Father and went to the mountain to sacrifice his only son, the son who would be the father of many nations. I am assuming most of you know the story, as you can find it in the Book of Genesis. As Abraham was about to kill his own son, he was stopped by the Angel of the Lord. You see where this is going? Whenever you see in the Bible that a person was visited by the Angel of the Lord it means that Jesus himself as an angel came to them, this was all before he came to earth in the flesh. Abraham saw Jesus! He was part of a complete picture prophecy of the coming and crusifixtion of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Of course he had no idea, but we do now, isn't it amazing how God shows us everything before it happens?! He shows it through peoples lives throughout the Bible.

So what do we get out of this message? Well dearest, I urge you to search the scriptures for pictures of Jesus, because He is on every page, most people don't understand the reasoning behind why God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, but now you know, it was to symbolize and prophecy the perfect Lamb sacrifice that would save the world from all sins, sicknesses, and shame. There is many other examples I can give you of pictures of Jesus, but it would take a while to tell you them all, I honestly haven't even found them all, but I am always searching, and if you find more please leave a comment and share, I want to know what you have found.

As always, I love you, and Jesus loves you so have a happy heart!

And don't forget to email me at for any questions about christianity, life and everything in between, and you will end up in my Christian Advice Column! Please leave your name and age (if allowed) so I can better understand how to advise you.

Monday 24 October 2016

What The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit Feels Like

Most Christians do not understand what the annointing of Jesus feels like, or even what it is. You can call it being touched my Jesus, or feeling His presence, or getting drunk in the Holy Spirit (which really is sometimes how it feels). The annointing of the Holy Spirit, cannot be described, the best way I can describe it is getting a small glimps of what heaven feels like, and I mean depending on the extent of the anointing you might be getting a bigger glimps of being completely out of this world, its like your soul, your spirit, and your body are all completely connected to the Great I Am for an amount of time that can be from just seconds, to even hours. It is unfathomable, indescribable, and the most wonderful thing you will ever experience in your entire life. No drugs, alchohol, or relationship can even give you a fraction of what the anointing can give you. Often times people are running after something to take them away from their problems and pain for just a brief moment, if its drugs, or sex, often it is what is taking you to an even bigger place of suffering, not the anointing, with it, Jesus takes you to a place of hope, of peace, of joy, and of true life.

So how does one experience this wonderful phenomenon we know as the anointing, I suggest you find a church that actually understands the anointing with a pastor and worshippers who have the anointing on them, usually for a person to first experience the anointing power, they need someone who is anointed to take it from, if the misistry is anointed, you will see healing and deliverance, that is what the anointing is for. Alot of times you will experience Jesus's touch while worshipping, and I don't mean just singing Christian songs, that makes it simply meaningless, you need to imagine you are alone in a room with Jesus, standing right in front of you, and just worship Him, show Him how much you love Him, you will then feel His anointed presence, its His way of saying "I am here, I love the way you worship me". Then comes your reaction to the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, you can react differently each time you feel His presence, first times you often feel like crying, other times you feel laughter bubbling out of you, and then theres the yellers, there is also the drunk looking ones which is very much how it feels, your body slumps and you trip all over the place but it is because of the overflow of the Holy Spirit on you. Then there are times when you are in front of an anointed minister and they touch you or do something that causes you to fall backwards, or to be flung backwards sometimes. You get the idea there are many types of reactions to the Holy Spirit, it makes me sad that so many Christians don't experience this  for one reason or another but its usually because they don't allow the Holy Spirit to move on them, the anointing is there but some people just won't take it, you need to realize it is a free gift that Elohim has given you to show you His love, you love Him, and He shows His love for you through the Holy Spirit, and absolutely nothing can compare, at least not in this world.

Thank you so much for reading this, and if you have any questions regarding Faith and Christianity please leave a comment or email me at, also check out my Youtube Channel where I talk about fashion, modesty, and true unique style. As always, I love you and Jesus loves you, so have a happy heart.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Got Any Questions? Christian Advice With Tara Bear Is Here For You

Alright so here's what's gonna happen, anyone with any questions regarding Christianity, faith, life, and anything in between can email me at and send me all of your questions, I am going to be doing an advice post every second Sunday starting next week October 30. Just send me the question, along with your name and age (if you are allowed to I mean sometimes young people have questions too) I am doing to same thing with my YouTube channel except it is geared mainly towards fashion and lifestyle, so just specify that it is for the blog. I know you've got a question, and I have an answer for it! lets all help each other out here. Also I will still be doing my regular style of blog posts about faith, I just want to take this blog to the next level! So please send me questions about anything regarding faith, and always know, Jesus loves you, so have a happy heart!

Wednesday 31 August 2016

The Holiest Of Holies? What is that?

The Holiest of Holies, whatever it is its sounds very important. The truth of the Holiest of Holies will astonish you, if you have never understood before, you will today.

Everything I talk about today will come from Hebrews 9, and it is all about the Spiritual meaning of the Temple, so lets go back about 2000 years to where this revelation took place. The temple was made so that Jesus many years later can show His awesome power. The Temple had three courts, there was the outer court where everyone could come in whenever they wanted to and fellowship, there was the inner court, which is where the priests would do their duties as service the the Lord. Most important of all was the Holiest of Holies, that place was covered by a viel, and guarded with cherubims, within the tabernacle, behind the veil was the ark of the covanent that Moses placed in it the ten commandments. Covering the ark was the mercy seat which if opened by any human, they would be greatly punished or die. It also contained Aaron's rod that budded with flowers, and the bowl of manna, keep in mind Aaron was the very first high priest. Now this place, the Holiest place in all the world, was where the Holy Spirit was contained. Once every year the high priest was the only one permitted to enter in, with his sacrifice for himself and for all the people. The power of the Holy Spirit was so strong in there that if the high priests offering was not accepted, he would die, a rope was always tied around them so if they died they could be pulled out. Sounds quite terrifying especially if your high priest was not a good man then all the people would suffer for the next year.

I used to go to a catholic school, being christian I didn't agree with most of the things they taught in religion class, one time, I had a teacher, who I didn't like, she was so religious, and I mean the bad kind of religious, she didn't understand the Bible, she just explained what she thought certain scriptures meant. One day she made me particularly peeved when she tried to explain the verse Matthew 27:51 "And, behold, the veil from the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent" (KJV) she made up some ridiculous explaination that I don't even remember, all I remember was that it was completely absurd and she actually said that the whole Bible is just a metaphor, a METAPHOR!!!!! Oh you best believe I was one maaaad christian girl, EVERYTHING in the Bible happened, and all is truth, God loooves to show His power through peoples lives, so of course everything in the scriptures happened. If at the time I was as fearless as I am now, I would have spoken up. Now I am, I am going to explain the meaning of this scripture.

Just after Jesus had bowed His head and died, this verse took place, the veil was torn in two, and the Holy Spirit was release into the world so that whomever wants Him, can have the Holy Spirit living and growing inside them. A place where no man dared to enter was opened up to the whole world, anyone who accepts Jesus into there heart, can have Christ dwelling inside of them. To have that much annointed power living inside of a single human being, can do amazing things, cast out demons, lay hands on the sick, bring people to the Everlasting Life that is Jesus. You know how only the high priest was allowed behind the veil? Jesus, Yeshua is our High Priest, and He provided Himself as the sacrifice so that we could live with Him forever.

If you want to live with Jesus forever, His arms are open, if you haven't accepted Jesus into your heart I believe that God showed you this post so that you might be saved, all you need to do is pray this simple prayer:

Jesus, I am a sinner, come into my heart, cleanse me with your blood, I make you my Lord and Savior, I believe you died on the cross for all of my sins and sicknesses, and you rose again to fullfil what the prophets said, Jesus I love you, and I need you, Thank you for saving me from my sins. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Hallelujah! you have just been saved my sweet friend, now find yourself an annointing filled church where the Holy Spirit is strong and Jesus will reveal the Word of God to you, it will be like a light in the darkness that will give you wisdom an understanding. As always I love you and Jesus loves you so much, so have a happy heart.

Saturday 20 August 2016

"Do I Even Deserve God?" Wrong Beliefs Christians NEED To Stop Believing

"I am such a horrible person", " Wow I'm just the worst Christian in the whole world", "I don't deserve heaven", "I'm such a sinner". These are only a few of the wrong beliefs Christians have about themselves, not to mention everyone else, but you would think that Christians would think differently huh? All this talk about how "I don't deserve this" is what is keeping most Christians in bondage. I can tell you first-hand that this is the way I used to think, filled with endless guilt and shame. My dear friend, God wants to tell you something, your Heavenly Father needs to tell you that the fruit does not grow before the seed is planted. That is pretty easy to understand, but unfortunately most Christians cannot comprehend that you cannot grow fruit if nothing is planted.

So what needs to be planted? The Word of God of course, The Word is a living breathing presence, not just a book that makes you go to sleep, it is filled with wonder and passion, love and loss, and life and happiness and perfection, The Word is God, and the more you take of it, the more seeds you are planting in your spirit that will grow into magnificent fruit. You cannot go the other way around, alot of legalistic christians and religious people think that they need to act righteous and they will go to heaven, but they do not actually have any fruit, they are just acting like they do. To grow the fruit of the spirit is a process, and it takes time, like planting a garden, you already know you will not grow flowers until much later, you have to take care of it, and you will slowly begin to see things happening. When you put the Word in you, you start to become like The Word, you start to become like Jesus. But you don't just spend time in the Word, you need that desire to want to spend all your time with Jesus, to know him, The more you know Him the more you will be like Him. So talk to Jesus, he wants to have a conversation with you, he wants to laugh with you, to cry with you, to comfort you, to heal all your wounds. Make Jesus your everything, and He will give you fruit that is in abundance, overflowing. You know, pressed down, shaken together and running over, He wants to give you more than enough, He wants you to be so filled that you think you can't be any fuller but He will still keep going. Thats God's love for us. So don't look at yourself as the worst human being ever, know that when God looks at you, He sees Jesus, and the more you know Jesus, the more you will see Him in you too.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Wrong Beliefs About Healing

In all of my posts, I try to only give messages that are given to me from heaven, today I got a word from the Lord about healing and the wrong beliefs about it, I know Jesus is working on some hearts right now as they read this and that is probably why you were brought to this page.

Pay attention because Jesus has something important to say through his word. Are you suffering? With a sickness or ailment? Maybe one of your loved ones are sick and dying, let me tell you something, it is never too late for God to do mighty works, even and especially when a loved one has just died, maybe your child, don't allow any wrong thoughts in your mind, know that Jesus raised people from the dead when he was on earth and he is still doing it today, it is all about your believing. I have known about so many instances where people have allowed there loved ones to die, because they honestly believe it is Gods will. Let me tell you something and if you don't pay attention to anything else I say just listen to this, it is NEVER Gods will for His children to die prematurely, did you get that? I just wanna make sure that you got that. I have seen the pain in peoples lives as they wait for a miracle that never comes, how can the healing that God gives freely not come to me? Anyone can wait for a miracle, but miracles never happen without faith, you must change your believing, is it focused on what you can see? all the pain amd suffering and heartbreak, is your believing based on what you can physically see? If it is, then your believing is wrong. Touch the chair you are sitting on, you can see it, feel it, but is it more real than the spirit realm? I tell you, the spirit realm is so much more real than the physical, because what we can see and touch, everything is dying, everything is decaying, but the Spirit, that is eternal, so you cannot put your beliefs into what you can see, you must put your believing into what you cannot see, you need only rest in Jesus' promise that he has healed all of our sicknesses and diseases, so that you can walk in glory and newness of life! My friend, when you have right believing it will produce right living and a walk in divine health, you will begin to see miracles.

Miracles are very simple, most people believe that God decides who gets the miracle and who doesn't, DON'T BELIEVE THAT, miracles are ALL based upon your believing. Even when you have a small amount of faith, which is simply believing in what you cannot see, you will see somethig happen. Remember when Jesus raised the young girl from the dead? what he said is very important because he said two things that you can use in every aspect of your life. You can read the whole passage in Luke 8:49-59KJV but I am going to focus specifically on what Jesus said in verse 50, they had just gotten the news that the girl had died and they all had given up. Jesus said two things the first which is probably his favourite thing to say in times of pain and suffering, he said "Fear not"(Luke 8:50KJV) alot if not all people allow fear to come into their hearts when tragedy hits, but Jesus is saying don't be afraid, the Great I Am is here, the Almighty God who created heaven and earth, there is no need for fear when you have got that much awesome power on your side. The second thing Jesus said was "believe only, and she shall be made whole", Jesus makes it so simple, he didn't say go out and fast ten days, then sacrifice a ram, then take the blood of it and pour it over the altar and then do this and that, no, that didn't happen, are you expecting a miracle on your life? in the life of a loved one? All Jesus wants you to do is believe, believe in HIS healing power, and REST in faith.

Jesus alwaus works like this: first believe, then recieve, not the other way around, most people and some Christians want to recieve first and then believe, but that is not faith, that is unbelief that still expects a miracle and when you don't get it, everything in your life topples over, because of unbelief. Your believing will determine your recieving, if you believe death, you will recieve death, if you believe life then you will recieve life and life abundantly, overflowing. How is your believing? If you are waiting for something to happen when nothing has, you need to change your believing.

But Tara how do I change my believing? Well if I tried to tell you it would take a few months, and I can do that, I probably will, but if you want you can also purchase Joseph Prince's book "The Power of Right Believing" which is one of my favourite books which changed the way I believe. I have talked about this book on my Youtube Channel which you can see here and you can purchase Joseph Prince's book here. Nobody is asking me to do this although I would love if they did, this book has honestly made an enormous impact on my life. So remember, it is NEVER God's will for His children to die prematurely. If something is happening in your life that does not line up with the word of God then don't believe it.

Always know, Jesus loves you, so have a happy heart.

Sunday 14 August 2016

What Really Happened On The Cross

Many people know the story of the cross, the crusifiction, and how Jesus suffered, but do you know what Jesus really went through on the cross? And even moreso what happened after?? I remember watching a video of Joseph Prince who is a wonderful and annointed Pastor in Singapore who was actually given a vision of what the spirit realm looked like at the cross.

Jesus carried so much more than we can comprehend, the Word of God says "his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."(1 Peter 2:24 KJV) You get the fact that Christ died on the cross for your sins, but do you understand the literal meaning of it? You can watch what exactly happened on the cross, click the link at the end where my favourite Pastor created an animation to portray what happened 2000 years ago. More people need to know this, because I grew up as a Christian, and this did not compute in my head until I was in grade eleven in highschool. This is what truly happened, Jesus literally took our sins and sicknesses upon himself, he was covered head to toe with all types of cancer, black plague, small pox, gangrene, anything you can find in any medical dictionary, He carried it. Any mental conditions, phycosis, schitzophrenia, any demonic possession and oppresion which leads to shame and suffering, he had it. Then, when the last demon, the last sickness, the last feeling of complete and utter loneliness came upon him, He yelled "Finished!" and bowed His head and died, notice He bowed his head first then died, normally its the opposite, however, most people don't know, Jesus couldn't be killed, He needed to allow himself to die. Because of His perfect sinless nature, He could not be killed, if He didn't allow himself to die He would have just stayed there for all eternity.

Jesus was the savior of our entire life, everything we have ever done, every demon we have had to battle, every sickness we have gone through, He took it from us, He made His own body a catalyst for out freedom, if we only believe in what He has done for us. Jesus is so much more than what people see Him to be, Jesus is God, because of His unfailing love for us, He came to earth in the flesh, to take our sins upon himself.

Thats His love, His wonderful perfect love that surpasses all understanding.

Now that you know what happened at the cross, my next post will be about what happened after!

Link to the Joseph Prince video:here

Wednesday 10 August 2016

What This Channel Is About

I want to show people the love of Christ, something I cannot do without the author of my life, Elohim, my Abba Father. This blog will be full of anecdotes and praise reports taken from my own life and some in depth disscussion on the Bible and its significance in your life. I hope you enjoy reading, I know I am not a writer, but Jesus gave me the desire to write about him, so that I will, and I know He will give me the right words.

Find Comfort In The Midst Of Your Pain

I want to tell you something about myself, I don't get sick, like at all. Now I have lived for Christ all my life and it was only until a few years ago that I realized I didn't have to get sick, whether it be a simple cold or much worse, even cancer does not have dominion over this body, and I now live in divine healing, but that is not the point of this post, not today anyways. I wanted to tell you an adorable little story, and it starts out with a tremendous pain. I woke up one morning with a weird feeling, it wasn't pain but it was more of a fuzziness, I ignored it for the most part expecting it to go away as all symptoms are supposed to dissapear under the law of grace, however that was not the case and these symptoms seemed to get worse, as my head began to pound and my eyes began to hurt I decided to lie down and wait for it to go away. But that was still not the case, and I started to feel even more pain in my head which now travelled down to my tummy, I felt aweful. Like my head was going to explode, the pain eventually turned to nausea and I'm sure you know what happened then. After I still felt like I was about to faint, I laid down on the couch and cried to my mom on the phone who was at work, then I decided to try and sleep, with my head in turmoil and my tummy not feeling any better I began to pray, well I couldn't really pray, all I could do was lie there and whisper "Jesus...Jesus...Jesus" that was about all I could muster, and as I lay there, I heard the most beautiful voice singing a sweet sweet song to me, funny thing is it wasn't a Christian song and all I knew was the first verse "beautiful dreamer wake unto me, starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee, beautiful dreamer awake unto me," and that was it. Imediately I began to go into a deep sleep, smiling, I woke up feeling healed and restored, I knew Jesus had intervened in something that could have been alot worse than it was. I woke up thanking Jesus for my healing, but what I was sure of that this was an attack by the devil who clearly did not win teehee. But what was so much more beautiful was the song that I heard my Heavenly Father Jesus sing to me, He was singing me a lullabye! Serenading me! How wonderful is that! I became more in love with him than ever for His sweet sweet love for me. The reason I told you this little story is because I want everyone to know who God is, and the way he loves is so imeasurable, He gives you comfort in your time of pain, a time that will only last but a small moment, He gives you rest in your time of fear, so always know that he is there with you, and you never need to be afraid.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

My Beloved Daughter In Whom I Am Well Pleased

When Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan, he came out and the heavens were opened to him and Elohim told him "this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased". When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become covered with the Holy Spirit of Jesus, at that point Elohim no longer sees you, your past shame, your sins, your guilt, He sees Jesus. That is why we must stop focusing on our failures, we are humans that are not perfect and we make mistakes when we remain in the flesh, but when we are in Jesus, He begins to fill us with His holiness, a holiness that cannot be earned, but is a gift, out of Elohim's perfect and unconditional love for us. So allow Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit, it is not something that you can have out of your own merit, but through Grace, that is, unmerited favour from Heaven.

So how do you become more in Christ? the answer is simple, it starts with a true hearts desire to want Him, and all you have to do is spend time with Jesus, in his word, in His presence, worshipping him, talking to him. Thats all God wants from you, to give him your love, and to be with him as His child. Elohim is the most loving Father that you will ever know, when you become totally intimate with him, you will lose your fleshly ways, your sin nature, and start to act like Christ, think like Christ, and be like Christ. Many people believe that the only way to be like Christ, is if you become legalistic and follow the law to a T, but we can't follow the law perfectly. Only Jesus is perfect and that is what he died on the cross for, he was the perfect lamb sacrifice for the entire world, so that anyone who wants to, can have everlasting life, and as a freely given gift, one that can't be taken back because someone sinned or made a mistake, it is always there and always free. So no matter what your circumstances, your hurt and pain, Jesus is there to comfort you, he has already forgiven all of your sins on the cross, and He is standing before you with open arms, inviting you to be with him. So when Elohim tells Jesus "this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased", remember that because Jesus is in you, Elohim is telling you "this is my beloved daughter (or son) in whom I am well pleased" say that to yourself in your times of pain and trouble, and remember that God sees Jesus when he looks at you.

Friday 29 July 2016

A Love Letter To My Savior Jesus

My Dearest Abba Father,

You are the only one my soul needs, in times of pain and heartache you are there to comfort me and hold me in your arms. I praise you my beautiful Saviour, your deep and abiding love for your daughter. I am a sinner no more, all because you love me, you told me there was therefore no condemnation, and I am free because of your grace. I love you with a burning passion and you show me your perfect Holy Spirit, you reveal to me your Word, and I am filled. Is it possible to be any closer to you? Oh no, you possess my spirit and you love my imperfections. Can I ever repay you? Of course not! You bought me with a price and saved me from my own flesh and sin, you cleanse me and make me whole, you hear my cry when I feel defeated, you hold me and fill me until I'm overflowing. There is no other beauty and grace that can match Your perfection, there is no other like You, and I am forever yours. Just one touch from you makes my Spirit come alive with your Holiness. Hallelujah to my Creator and my Savior. My Father, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I love you with an undying love because you first loved me, you placed a crown upon my head and called me your princess, I am free forever because you saved me from my chains and you took my shame on yourself. I love you from the top of my head to the souls of my feet, my Jesus, my Yeshua, my everything.

I love you always my sweet Saviour,

Love Tara