The Kings Daughter

The Kings Daughter

Saturday 20 August 2016

"Do I Even Deserve God?" Wrong Beliefs Christians NEED To Stop Believing

"I am such a horrible person", " Wow I'm just the worst Christian in the whole world", "I don't deserve heaven", "I'm such a sinner". These are only a few of the wrong beliefs Christians have about themselves, not to mention everyone else, but you would think that Christians would think differently huh? All this talk about how "I don't deserve this" is what is keeping most Christians in bondage. I can tell you first-hand that this is the way I used to think, filled with endless guilt and shame. My dear friend, God wants to tell you something, your Heavenly Father needs to tell you that the fruit does not grow before the seed is planted. That is pretty easy to understand, but unfortunately most Christians cannot comprehend that you cannot grow fruit if nothing is planted.

So what needs to be planted? The Word of God of course, The Word is a living breathing presence, not just a book that makes you go to sleep, it is filled with wonder and passion, love and loss, and life and happiness and perfection, The Word is God, and the more you take of it, the more seeds you are planting in your spirit that will grow into magnificent fruit. You cannot go the other way around, alot of legalistic christians and religious people think that they need to act righteous and they will go to heaven, but they do not actually have any fruit, they are just acting like they do. To grow the fruit of the spirit is a process, and it takes time, like planting a garden, you already know you will not grow flowers until much later, you have to take care of it, and you will slowly begin to see things happening. When you put the Word in you, you start to become like The Word, you start to become like Jesus. But you don't just spend time in the Word, you need that desire to want to spend all your time with Jesus, to know him, The more you know Him the more you will be like Him. So talk to Jesus, he wants to have a conversation with you, he wants to laugh with you, to cry with you, to comfort you, to heal all your wounds. Make Jesus your everything, and He will give you fruit that is in abundance, overflowing. You know, pressed down, shaken together and running over, He wants to give you more than enough, He wants you to be so filled that you think you can't be any fuller but He will still keep going. Thats God's love for us. So don't look at yourself as the worst human being ever, know that when God looks at you, He sees Jesus, and the more you know Jesus, the more you will see Him in you too.

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