The Kings Daughter

The Kings Daughter

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Wrong Beliefs About Healing

In all of my posts, I try to only give messages that are given to me from heaven, today I got a word from the Lord about healing and the wrong beliefs about it, I know Jesus is working on some hearts right now as they read this and that is probably why you were brought to this page.

Pay attention because Jesus has something important to say through his word. Are you suffering? With a sickness or ailment? Maybe one of your loved ones are sick and dying, let me tell you something, it is never too late for God to do mighty works, even and especially when a loved one has just died, maybe your child, don't allow any wrong thoughts in your mind, know that Jesus raised people from the dead when he was on earth and he is still doing it today, it is all about your believing. I have known about so many instances where people have allowed there loved ones to die, because they honestly believe it is Gods will. Let me tell you something and if you don't pay attention to anything else I say just listen to this, it is NEVER Gods will for His children to die prematurely, did you get that? I just wanna make sure that you got that. I have seen the pain in peoples lives as they wait for a miracle that never comes, how can the healing that God gives freely not come to me? Anyone can wait for a miracle, but miracles never happen without faith, you must change your believing, is it focused on what you can see? all the pain amd suffering and heartbreak, is your believing based on what you can physically see? If it is, then your believing is wrong. Touch the chair you are sitting on, you can see it, feel it, but is it more real than the spirit realm? I tell you, the spirit realm is so much more real than the physical, because what we can see and touch, everything is dying, everything is decaying, but the Spirit, that is eternal, so you cannot put your beliefs into what you can see, you must put your believing into what you cannot see, you need only rest in Jesus' promise that he has healed all of our sicknesses and diseases, so that you can walk in glory and newness of life! My friend, when you have right believing it will produce right living and a walk in divine health, you will begin to see miracles.

Miracles are very simple, most people believe that God decides who gets the miracle and who doesn't, DON'T BELIEVE THAT, miracles are ALL based upon your believing. Even when you have a small amount of faith, which is simply believing in what you cannot see, you will see somethig happen. Remember when Jesus raised the young girl from the dead? what he said is very important because he said two things that you can use in every aspect of your life. You can read the whole passage in Luke 8:49-59KJV but I am going to focus specifically on what Jesus said in verse 50, they had just gotten the news that the girl had died and they all had given up. Jesus said two things the first which is probably his favourite thing to say in times of pain and suffering, he said "Fear not"(Luke 8:50KJV) alot if not all people allow fear to come into their hearts when tragedy hits, but Jesus is saying don't be afraid, the Great I Am is here, the Almighty God who created heaven and earth, there is no need for fear when you have got that much awesome power on your side. The second thing Jesus said was "believe only, and she shall be made whole", Jesus makes it so simple, he didn't say go out and fast ten days, then sacrifice a ram, then take the blood of it and pour it over the altar and then do this and that, no, that didn't happen, are you expecting a miracle on your life? in the life of a loved one? All Jesus wants you to do is believe, believe in HIS healing power, and REST in faith.

Jesus alwaus works like this: first believe, then recieve, not the other way around, most people and some Christians want to recieve first and then believe, but that is not faith, that is unbelief that still expects a miracle and when you don't get it, everything in your life topples over, because of unbelief. Your believing will determine your recieving, if you believe death, you will recieve death, if you believe life then you will recieve life and life abundantly, overflowing. How is your believing? If you are waiting for something to happen when nothing has, you need to change your believing.

But Tara how do I change my believing? Well if I tried to tell you it would take a few months, and I can do that, I probably will, but if you want you can also purchase Joseph Prince's book "The Power of Right Believing" which is one of my favourite books which changed the way I believe. I have talked about this book on my Youtube Channel which you can see here and you can purchase Joseph Prince's book here. Nobody is asking me to do this although I would love if they did, this book has honestly made an enormous impact on my life. So remember, it is NEVER God's will for His children to die prematurely. If something is happening in your life that does not line up with the word of God then don't believe it.

Always know, Jesus loves you, so have a happy heart.

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